Koffi Olomidé, one of Africa's music stars, has been found guilty of rape of one of his killers when he was 15 years old.
He has been sentenced to two years in prison with a French court in absence, after he had not arrived in court.
The decision means that the Congolese star will be arrested if he performs another crime, says BBC correspondent Nadir Djennad.
Olomidé, aged 62, was ordered to pay 5,000 euros for the damage it caused to her former killer.
The Nanterre Court, outside the capital Paris, also ordered him to pay the same fine for helping three other women to enter France illegally.
Olomidé's attorney congratulated the decision and declared it a victory, informing journalists that the decision will contribute to the removal of international warranty arrest.

Koffi Olomide offers a new song to apologize to African women

Koffi Olom idé is the star of the rumba and soukous style of the most popular in Africa.

Olomidé was first charged in 2012 for authoritative rape but the charges were reduced.
The four criminals who worked for him told the court that he had sexually abused several times during 2002 and in 2006. They explained that the abuse was done in the Democratic Republic of Congo and France.
The women also explained that they prevented unnecessary in one house outside Paris and they managed to escape on the night of June 2006, but did not return to DR Congo due to fear of being sought and retaliated.
Prosecutors were pushing for 7 years in prison but the court has dismissed charges of abuse and claims of kidnapping.
Olomidé alikimbilia Congo mnamo 2009 akiahidi kujitetea lakini alikosa kufika mahakamani Ufaransa katika kesi hiyo ambayo kutokana na ombi la walalamishi ilifanyika faraghani.
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